BE IN THE KNOW: Download the Emerson Wild 2023 Container Garden Guide


The Secrets to Successful Vegetable Gardening

The Secrets to Successful Vegetable Gardening

The vegetable garden yields more than just a harvest. It also, and arguably just as importantly, allows you to foster a deep and meaningful connection with the natural world. Vegetable gardening requires thoughtful attention and daily care. For months at a time, it...

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Vertical Gardening: More with Less

Vertical Gardening: More with Less

To maximize in minimal space we turn to vertical gardening; where you can maximize harvest, visual appeal, privacy and even the capacity of your green thumb. Vertical gardening, simply put, is any method of planting, tool or aide that plants up, and not necessarily...

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Troubleshooting Seed Starting Problems

Troubleshooting Seed Starting Problems

The idea of growing food from seed to table has become particularly appealing over the last several years. Like with your first foray into anything, sometimes you are met with profound success, other times frustrating failure and you become understandably discouraged....

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Seed Starting: An Indoor Comprehensive Checklist

Seed Starting: An Indoor Comprehensive Checklist

"When we grow our own food, we eat seasonally, locally, and sustainably.” – Michael Pollan Seemingly, a garden of function, even if dually aesthetic, like in the case of growing edimentals, has become a priority for the every-gardener. To grow your own food, is...

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Modern Meadow: Embracing the Wild

Modern Meadow: Embracing the Wild

The manicured lawn has been an indispensable element of garden design since at least the 17th century. Initially, a powerful status symbol; a lawn only existed if one could afford the human labor to maintain it. As this idea evolved, several factors played into a...

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A Thoughtful Approach to Container Gardening

A Thoughtful Approach to Container Gardening

Container gardening is deeply intertwined into our identity here at Emerson Wild. Partially because our founder Julie, has an extensive background in this aspect of the gardening world. And partially because they align so closely with many of our values. The idea of...

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