BE IN THE KNOW: Download the Emerson Wild 2023 Container Garden Guide

A Thoughtful Approach to Container Gardening

A Thoughtful Approach to Container Gardening

Container gardening is deeply intertwined into our identity here at Emerson Wild. Partially because our founder Julie, has an extensive background in this aspect of the gardening world. And partially because they align so closely with many of our values. The idea of the container garden speaks to...

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Air-Purifying Plants to Refresh Your Home

Air-Purifying Plants to Refresh Your Home

On average, we take around 20 000 breaths per day, a seemingly surprising number. Where we take those breaths however, is something that we at least rarely think of. We aren’t always able to control our external environments, but in our homes, it’s generally another matter. Improving and...

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Layered Bulbs in Pots: An Emerson Wild Guide

Layered Bulbs in Pots: An Emerson Wild Guide

After your garden has been officially closed, but before the season of merriment begins, one outstanding item remains on our list. Spring bulbs. Planted in the Autumn to allow for a long period of dormancy; the extra effort right at the end of the season, yields a great joy in the Spring. While...

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