BE IN THE KNOW: Download the Emerson Wild 2023 Container Garden Guide


How to Dry and Store Your Garden Herbs

How to Dry and Store Your Garden Herbs

One of our favourite feelings of summer is the harvesting of fresh garden herbs. Whether from a tiny container garden, or from a long-lived tended patch, garden herbs have such a special place in our hearts. They define the sensory bliss of the growing seasons. From...

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How to Create a Sensory Garden

How to Create a Sensory Garden

A sensory garden aims to engage all your senses in one place. Consider each of your senses separately. When we see something beautiful there's a moment of calmness; the sounds of running water or singing birds can help one relax; the smells of mother nature soothe and...

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Summer at Emerson Wild: Gardening by Month

Summer at Emerson Wild: Gardening by Month

"Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August." —Jenny Han   All year long we patiently await the prime growing season. When the garden transforms and the gardener must rise to the challenge of meeting mother nature, with labors of...

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Edimentals: An Introduction

Edimentals: An Introduction

The wild world of gardening knows no bounds. Truly, the topics for discussions, the room for education and improvement is limitless. The landscape of trends themselves are always ebbing and flowing; and therefore, it is exciting when a new idea is brought to the...

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Companion Planting Guide

Companion Planting Guide

Companion planting is a common gardening practise, especially when you're working on smaller scales. The idea is that by planting certain things together, you help promote a beneficial relationship between your plants. In some cases, companions grow harmoniously...

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