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Creating Nostalgic Gardens to Whisk you Away

Creating Nostalgic Gardens to Whisk you Away

What first drew you in to gardening? What was your initial inspiration to spend time cultivating and caring for plants? For many of us, the love and admiration for a beautiful garden, began as children. When we were smaller and the world felt bigger, we experienced...

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How to Plan a Vegetable Garden

How to Plan a Vegetable Garden

Growing a vegetable garden is an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. But planning it may seem like a daunting endeavour. You may not know where to begin, or you may be worried about what to grow and how to grow it. We're here to walk you through the basic...

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Creating a Spring Container Garden with Emerson Wild

Creating a Spring Container Garden with Emerson Wild

"Spring is the time of plans and projects" - Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina There is a sense of enthusiasm, an eagerness to grow, to create and to plan in and for the Spring. While the start of the season is about a month a way, you can already feel the stir of change....

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Queen of Fall Flowers: Chrysanthemum ‘Mums’

Queen of Fall Flowers: Chrysanthemum ‘Mums’

Of our four seasons here in Canada, many begin with a bang. An obvious declaration of a seasons' commencement. In the winter, many of us recognize that first heavy snowfall; or in the Spring those first signs of life pushing through the cold ground, as the unofficial...

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